We decided that it was time to change my name...officially (I kinda put it off for a while but need it in order to get my military ID). We picked up the directions from the apt and we were on our way! I was reading Matt the directions and somehow managed to mess them up even though they were written step by step and I even had a map printed out! So we made a wrong turn and ventured a good 10 miles out of the way in downtown Phoenix (not the best part of town)!! Finally Matt asked to see the directions and turned us back the right way, giving me a hard time of course, I still don't see how I messed that up lol!
After finally making it to the Social Security Office I couldn't help but think that it should be entertaining. Usually places like that are an interesting place to people watch, little did I know I would be on the other side of that shortly. As soon as we walk into the building I realize that there is an elevator and I hate elevators...Don't know what it is about them they just scare me. Luckily we only had to go up one floor so I figured I'd just try to pretend it didn't bother me. That plan was out the window as soon as the doors closed and we started moving I'm sure I grabbed Matt's arm pretty hard cuz he just looked at me like "really??". After getting to our floor I apologized and tried to regain my "cool". Still feeling a little scattered by the elevator though I was trying to follow the simple check-in directions the security guard was giving me...it just wasn't really working out for some reason; turned off my cell phone...Check...Push the #1 button on the machine...Check...Take a seat?? ummm...I couldn't remember what came before sit down. I started looking for a receipt or something to come out of the machine. Before I knew it the security guard and Matt were laughing at me and the first two rows of people were just staring. Matt handed me a piece of paper that printed out three feet down and from a separate machine that was to my right (somehow this was common sense?!). I took my seat and waited to be called. It didn't take long to my relief and the associate was very nice. After it was all finished we had to go back into the dreaded elevator!! There was a guy standing in front of the elevators but didn't get in when the doors opened so we just went down to the first floor. Once we arrived I managed to pry my hands free of Matt's arm and then I noticed...This hallway looks the same and there was that same guy standing there. I must have turned around in a complete circle just utterly confused when Matt and the other guy just started cracking up! Matt said he's really fast and must have ran down the stairs and beat us! Funny...really he took a different elevator and why he was standing in the 1st floor lobby or why he didn't get in the same elevator as us still alludes me! I'm kinda glad it's over I really wasn't prepared for that today. It's days like this that make me wonder how I will even get by for the few months Matt is going to be at tech school lol. My name is officially changed through SS now...DMV tomorrow, wonder how that will go...
Then we came home and started packing (well I did, I'm pretty sure Matt was playing a video game) thankfully Matt's sister Christy decided to come help! It was awesome we got so much done. Overall a very productive day.